Located in Fernandina Beach, FL

"For in the mind of man lies the secret of his ability to resist, to conquer, and finally to govern the circumstances of his life."
The Alexander Technique

The Alexander Technique is a gentle and effective mind-body method that is used worldwide to enhance well-being and promote personal development.
By teaching how to change postural habits, it enables improved balance, mobility, posture, and performance, along with relief of chronic stiffness, tension and physical and mental stress.
The Alexander Technique is unique because you can integrate the A.T. into all activities of your life to improve your movement during: reading, yoga, golf, doing the laundry/dishes, driving the car, sitting at a desk, running, gardening, and all other activities throughout the day that usually result in wear and tear on the body.
Alexander Technique lessons are typically taught in one-to-one lessons. In an Alexander Technique lesson, Mariel instructs you — with verbal and gentle hands-on guidance — to recognize your unique habit patterns that may be interfering with ease, flexibility, and balance, and how to change them. No special clothing is needed - normal street attire is appropriate.
The result is the ability restore the body’s natural alignment, ease, and vitality during movement and sedentary activities.
Watch this helpful American Society of the Alexander Technique video for more information and/or explore the links below:
Health Benefits
The Alexander Technique is very beneficial for alleviating stress and physical strain in the body, offering proven preventative and curative benefits across a wide range of physical disorders including:
Neck and Back Injury
Repetitive Strain Injuries (e.g., Tennis Elbow, Carpal Tunnel, Tendinitis)
Chronic pain
Planter fasciitis
Chronic health problems (e.g., Asthma, Sciatica)
And other physical and mental ailments
Performance Benefits
Your body is the medium through which you perform and create. Learning to use the body optimally through the Alexander Technique has many benefits for improving performance in music, theater, dance, and sports.
A.T. teaches performing artists optimal efficiency and alignment in the body, providing invaluable tools in:
Developing the nuanced mastery of your craft
Meeting the rigorous physical demands of the performing arts
Increasing performance longevity
Recuperation from performance injury

Lessons • Pricing

Lessons are taught privately one-to-one in order to evaluate the unique habits of your body,
with group workshops available as well upon request.
Mariel uses a gentle hands-on technique combined with verbal instructions to guide you into
a better alignment of the body. From there, we will work on how to maintain this new alignment with minimal tension while carrying out the activities of daily life (walking, sitting, standing, bending over, etc.) and, if it applies to you, the performing arts.
In the beginning, weekly lessons are recommended, with the goal ultimately being to give you the tools to recognize the habits in your body and bring about a better use of the body on your own.
30 Minute Lesson — $60
45 Minute Lesson — $90
About Mariel
Mariel is a professor of Alexander Technique at the University of Florida School of Theater and Dance where she works with undergraduate and graduate students. She is a graduate of the Alexander Technique Training Center in Newton, MA where she earned a three-year American Society of Alexander Technique (AmSAT) certificate and finished a 2-year post-graduate study at ATTC. She studied under master teachers Ruth Kilroy and Rivka Cohen, both of whom studied with Patrick MacDonald, a student of F.M. Alexander himself. Currently, Mariel teaches private lessons from her studio in Amelia Island, FL.
Mariel's Story
Mariel came to the Alexander Technique as a vocalist who had lost her ability to sing due to misuse of the body. The Alexander Technique restored her ability to sing and has given her renewed energy, release from tension in the body, and the tools to change negative mental and physical habits. She believes that the Alexander Technique is a wonderful tool that
can help anyone to restore the natural ease and function of the body, as well as to increase mindfulness in all activities of life.